espy Experience

Computer, Network, & Server Updates

After working with the owner on some business processes and administrative tasks, I identified some issues with the network and computers. This led to a full-scale review of the processes, file management, network infrastructure, internet services, computer hardware and software, and file servers. The review identified several critical security holes, redundant and incorrectly set up network infrastructure, poor file management, plus inadequate file server capabilities.

The solution was a full network overhaul, internet service provider account changes and service upgrades, creating and implementing a standard system setup for the fleet of Apple computers, hardware upgrades for several Apple computers, plus a completely new cloud-based file server and management system. This resulted in a faster, more reliable, more secure computer and network infrastructure, with extremely enhanced cloud file service and file management process; that also reduced annual cost. The new cloud system radically impacted the ability of the staff to travel and maintain daily operations securely.


“William’s strange resume has been a game changer for espy, he can literally fix anything.

On fixing things:

In Business, stuff just breaks and when jobs are small it is so hard to get someone to come and fix the little things without a big “show up fee”. For espy he has fixed our irons, sewing machines, amplifier (and re installed a new one), drawers, broken wheels on sales fixtures, and our dishwasher to name just a few things. Over the year we’ve been working with William we have saved so much money on these little things and been impressed with the speed of service. Recently while installing our new amplifier he checked and fixed every speaker connected to it to ensure there would be no future problems with the new install.  He does the work right the first time.

On Techy stuff:

I am not a technical person, neither are my fashionable staff, we just need stuff to work and we need it simple for us. William has made sure our calendars talk to each other, our emails don’t bounce, we are backing up constantly, our print drivers work etc. The most significant single solution for the business, was the week he took to research and find a new server for us and transferred all the files, set the permissions, and re-set up in a way we can understand. Then he worked with each employee so they understood how to access and use the server. It was a game changer, AND saves my company $2500 per year. He has also completed other large jobs for us like mapping our network and getting rid of the stuff we don’t need that had been left from previous tech people who were too lazy to do that. He does things right the first time.

On Consulting vs doing:

I usually run from the word “consultant”, it sounds like something with a big invoice at the end and a big to do list for me. That is what works with William – when he consults, 90% of the time he is doing the work. For example, when he recommended a Shopify site for one of my businesses, he was the one to build it, ensure it worked, and trained a colleague to run it. He just makes it easy and he does things right the first time.”

Megan Szanik [ Owner ]


Letters Apparel